Ignorance & Illiteracy
Illiteracy rates in some countries :
Mauritania is about 60%
Marroco is about 50%
Egypt is about 45*
Sudan is above 40%
Bangladesh is about 60%
Pakistan and nepal are above 55%
India is about 40%
Senegal and benin are above 60%
(it's very high dont you think ?!! )
whose fault is it ?? how hard is it to learn or go to school ??
if you say it's hard and they don't have enough money then why don't you help them ??
if you say there aren't enough school then why don't you dedicate one hour a week and teach them if you can., get paid on it if you want but do it.
If you know a poor man why don,t you just go and give him a couple of books or a small amount of money for school.
If it happens that you cant afford school go find a job and work for a while then you will be able to afford it.
If you can read and write then read more stuff.
the rates of Illiteracy are going down each year and that's a good thing, and you could be a part of it. Btw in Jordan we have a very low Illiteracy rates and its going down faster and faster each year.

Great post 7abeebi! I once wrote a post about illiteracy in the Arab world, but I looked at it from a different perspective. Check it out here if you like:
Roba, at 1:50 PM
الله حالة لمتى !!
إن شاء الله بالمستقبل تتغير هذي الإحصائيات ..
تسلم عبد الرزاق على المقالة المميزة ..
أخوك Najd-Dude
Anonymous, at 9:57 PM
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